We the Dhakshithasri Software Solutions private limited company based in Hyderabad, India. We develop global caliber products to bestow management solutions for the Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) aspects of an Organization through a distinctive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application. Following high-end principles of making world-class products and serving excellence in compliance with organizational requirements. The services that we cope with are business process out sourcing (BPO), web hosting and system development through both hardware and software support




Now a days organizations are looking forward to achieve the safe business operations with common core stake holder values for its global pioneer. EHS involves to create a systematic approach to mitigate the carbon foot print, how to improve the air quality, managing the waste minimization and complying with respect to local regulatory bodies. There are certain guidelines, procedures & policies to stream line the activities involved with in the organization like identifying the risk and hazards at work place that could affect the health and well-being of employees. EHS effortless drive to accomplish the goals of sustainable performance and excellence in business operations.


The concept of safety evolved from population based approach. Due to increase in incident rate prior to the activities with respect to operations have changed the global needs. EHS plays a vital role in reducing the risks and increase in the environmental performance. On day to day amendment of new guidelines and policies make organization strict to adhere and comply to the system.




EHS management is that it presents fundamental requirements of top line management, industry standards, and best practices required under current regulation to ensure environmental stewardship and a safe workplace that is evolving continously. Implementing a safety management system is the most efficient way of allocating resources for safety, since it not only improves working conditions, but also positively influences employees attitudes and behaviors with regards to safety, consequently improving the safety culture.


Being an organization no matter how it is big or small, Managing EHS is very important segment to maintain the standards and ensuring the high level of compliance. There are certain direct & Indirect costs involved for the business operations may reduce after implementing EHS.




Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has been one of the most popular business management systems, providing benefits of real-time capabilities and seamless communication for business in large organizations. It helps to capture the plethora of metrics and analyse the actions and events involved with relevant module according to their specific standards that can be configured in the system makes effortless drive to user to maintain the data. EHS applications with the appropriate regulatory content and update the applications to address regulatory changes in the system. compliance can be achieved at a far lower cost than if the enterprise were responsible for each compliance element individually.